Thursday 11 August 2011

Training continues...

If you've read previous posts you'll know that I'm trying to earn my keep as a cycling event organizer by actually riding a bike.  Something I've not done in decades :(  So I got my bike fixed, tested it out and tried the 12k route for the Tour de Greenbelt,which was great.

Kay Gardner Beltline Trail
Yesterday I used my bike as my mode of transportation for a 16k round trip.  I mapped out my route which allowed me to use the Kay Gardner Beltline which runs mainly parallel to Oriole Parkway in the neighbourhood of Forest Hill.  The trail was new to me, had I not used an online mapping tool  I still never would have known it was there.  But I followed my directions and so enjoyed using this trail for a good chunk of my trip.  I love these little gems in the city.  Riding along this beltline you almost forget that there are busy roads and building right on the other side of that beautiful green trail.

About 4km into my trip I noticed some dark clouds roll in and the wind picked up.  This was a challenge for me as a novice rider, but then came the downpour and wow, did I ever have sympathy for cyclists riding in the rain.  I was totally soaks in about 60 seconds and finally found some cover after a few minutes, but the damage had been done.  The rain only lasted about 10 minutes and once it passed enough I kept going as I had a meeting to get to.

After the rain I found my way to the Kay Gardner Beltline and things got better from there.  I attended my meeting soaking wet and filthy from the gravel trail, but glad I'd made it to my destination on time, discovered something new, and did it all on my bike!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Bike riding can be delicious!

We appreciate that when you ride through the beautiful and agriculturally rich Greenbelt that you might get a little hungry.  It's like going to a grocery store on an empty stomach.  Especially in September when the lands have been busy producing gorgeous foods all season, the corn is high and the air doesn't have the same sticky humidity and smog as it does in the city currently.

So, when you finish your bike ride as part of the Tour de Greenbelt on September 17th, whether you did the 12k, 25k, 50k, 75k, or 100k, we know you'll enjoy your greenbelt grown lunch at the end.  And we know you'll probably have increased your appreciation for where it came from having just ridden through part of the greenbelt, home to over 7,000 Ontario farms.

Today, I happened upon a Farmers' Market.  This is such a great time of year for them when you can still get early crops like strawberries and raspberries and also a whole range of other goodies like zucchini, lettuce, cherries, pepper, tomatoes, and peaches... oh those Ontario peaches!  So, sign up for the Tour de Greenbelt and enjoy your greenbelt grown food until then.