Monday 25 July 2011

Greening inspiration

I love going to other events and being inspired by such amazing greening efforts I see.  This weekend at the Hillside Music Festival in Guelph, Ontario, I was witness to one of the best examples of this. If you've been to any music festival, you know that seeing lots of garbage and especially plastic water bottles are pretty standard things.  At hillside there are no plastic water bottles but a water truck, food vendors use reusable plates that get washed by volunteers and used again, and the waste stations even have compost bins.  It's such a great thing to see.
If you've been to the Tour de Greenbelt, you know that we also try to make our event as green as possible by using compostable dishes, also never providing disposable water bottles, offering shuttle services and using local food grown sometimes within a stones throw of the event.  Every little bit helps and we know our riders appreciate us making the event as green as they live their lives.

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